Monday, August 15, 2005

MS to Reissue W2k SP4 - Rollup patch problems for customers

* Microsoft Will Reissue W2K SP4

Redmond is going to roll out a new version of SP4. Quite a bit of problems are dogging users who have installed the SP4 update rollup that was released late June instead of SP5. A bunch of problems with third-party security apps and stuff like network-printing issues have surfaced.

As you all know, Redmond ended mainstream support for W2K client and server on June 30.On their website they said: "We plan to reissue Update Rollup 1 for Windows 2000 SP4 soon. Several hotfixes will be integrated into the new version of Update Rollup 1 for Windows 2000 SP4," They also mentioned that the problems with the Rollup are "isolated" and "affect few customers." You are advised to again, as usual, TEST, TEST, TEST and check the known bugs at: