Tuesday, January 09, 2007

RIM (Blackberry) - New Devices Coming 2007

New Devices from RIM Expected This Year
from Business Week 01-09-07

RIM looks ready to keep up the pace, with more devices in the pipeline. A product code-named Indigo, that looks a lot like the sleek Pearl phone but which sports a full keyboard instead of the Pearl's abbreviated keyboard, is expected in early 2007.

Yet another device with a full keyboard, code-named Crimson, is expected in mid-2007. There has been some speculation that Crimson will work with blazing-fast EDGE-based wireless phone networks and also connect to the Internet via Wi-Fi hotspots. If that turns out to be the case, it suggests the device will support both traditional wireless calls and Internet-based voice calls.

RIM co-CEO Jim Balsillie didn't comment on the new devices during a conference call beyond saying there would be "something else" coming from the company. "There will be a lot of crossover between the consumer and the enterprise side of the business," he told analysts. "There's a whole lot that will become much clearer over the next six calendar months," he added.


Really looking forward to the full QWERTY Pearl-like device!