5 Reasons Why New Macs and iPhone are Lacking
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5 Reasons Why New Macs and iPhone are Lacking
7:41 PM - June 8, 2009 by Tuan Nguyen
(from tomshardware.com posting)
Today at Apple's World Wide Developer Conference, many things were unveiled.
The new MacBook specs and MacBook Pro, slashed prices, the new iPhone 3G S, and of course, Apple's next installment of OS X, Snow Leopard. Despite the fanfare however, Apple's announcements were largely non-exciting.
Yeah it's true. I do use Macs. But it's true too I have several custom built PCs at home. The announcements shown off today however, reveal that Apple is indeed not a hardware company. It's a software company at heart, and monetizes those products through its hardware sales. One of the most obvious proofs of this is the company's iPhone. Just about the only good nugget of today's presentation was Apple's talk about Snow Leopard. Indeed the next-generation of OS X with its BSD underpinnings has great features going for it. In fact, installing Snow Leopard will free up 6 GB of space if you upgrade from Leopard.
But anyway, let's move on to my top 5 reasons why Apple's hardware is really still lacking and behind the curve.
1. Hardware Support
2. Price / Evolution Strategy
3. Odd Hardware Adoption
4. Small Steps Appear Big
5. Sometimes Removing Hardware Support
Here's the complete posting and detailed information for each of the 5 sections.
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