Ten Reasons to Love the new Outlook.com email
Ten Reasons to Love the New Outlook.com
From post: http://s.netshelter.net/ab9711839a
From: amit agarwal / labnol.org
Is Outlook.com a better alternative to Gmail? Here are 10 features where Outlook definitely has an upper hand over Google’s email program.
I have been using Gmail since 2004 but the new Outlook.com service looks extremely tempting both in terms of features and also the user-interface which I think is far superior to that of Gmail. I am not switching yet but as an experiment, I have connected my primary Gmail account with Outlook today and plan to use Microsoft’s web mail service exclusively for a week or so.
Meanwhile, after spending time with Outlook for about a day now, I found several unique and useful features in Outlook.com that you will surely miss inside Gmail.
Take a look at the Top Ten: Entire posting at: http://s.netshelter.net/ab9711839a
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