Wednesday, October 02, 2013

Another search engine, possibly will be better than Google?

Interesting, we'll see if Blippex takes off.

From article:

It’s hard to build a really new search engine. Microsoft has spent enormous resources trying to convince people that Bing’s search results are just as good as Google’s. Bing has won market share, but not at Google’s expense. Other Google alternatives like DuckDuckGo are growing rapidly because they pledge to protect people’s privacy.

But the problem for most competitors to Google is that they try to imitate Google. ”We thought it strange that to compete, you had to have the same search results as them,” says Max Kossatz. “I think that’s why there’s been no innovation in search in over 10 years.”

When Kossatz and his co-founder Gerald Baeck, two Austrians living in Berlin, started building their new search engine, Blippex, their first tagline for it was something like “The Wikipedia of Search.” They ditched that for copyright reasons, but it sums up their approach nicely: Blippex is built by its own users. And this makes its search results radically—and perhaps interestingly—different.