Wednesday, April 27, 2005

Look before you Leap - Windows Server 2003 SP1

As with most large Service Pack upgrade installations, it's critical to read, review and test before an install. Read from Microsoft's Support site about which applications Windows Server 2003 SP1 breaks. SP1 for Win2003 is not just a simple "click and go" process but needs a complete and thorough review before installation.;en-us;896367&spid=3198

Security Alert - Be careful with typos and popular websites

Although these types of infections have been around for years, these seem to be particularily dangerous. Please read on.

From SANS - Internet Storm Center (4-27-05)

Google != Googkle

Reader Alan Phelps wrote in this morning to alert us to a malicious site that has registered a domain that might be entered as a typo for DO NOT VISIT THIS SITE!

Visiting this site installs about 49 pieces of spyware, uses the local hosts file to block access to popular anti-virus websites, and offers a link to a website that sells AV and anti-spyware tools with the slogan "We help people"... No comment.

Update 2005-04-27 @ 10:21 UTC

Several readers have written in to add that there are several other sites similar to the Googkle site including: msnm(dot)com, gfoogle(dot)com, ghoogle(dot)com, googfle(dot)com, luycos(dot)com, msn1(dot)com, passpport(dot)com and xcnn(dot)com.

Did I mention that you should NOT visit these sites?

More information on googkle is available at

Thanks to Juha-Matti Laurio, Barrie Dempster, Gene Chen, Arjan Haringa and anonymous posters who submitted their reports regarding this and other sites.

Tuesday, April 26, 2005

Purchasing Tech Stuff?

OK, there are a bizillion websites out there for you to compare deals for tech purchases. But is my current favorite. I've saved so much $$ recently that I feel they deserve a plug. So, if you are browsing for new tech toys and purchases (and steaks - you'll understand soon), check them out. Add them to your RSS reader and bam! you are on your way. Of course, you don't need a reader but it helps get you those deals even faster.

If you don't know what an RSS reader is, come back here for what we think is the best free RSS reader. We'll break it down simply and recommend our favorite one.

-- Cook Group Technology "IT Consulting for a Progressive World"

Monday, April 25, 2005

E-Cycling Services

Last year was such a huge success with our clients for e-cycling (over 600 lbs of electronics recycled) that we are happy to offer this value added service again.

When? Saturday, May 14 2005

Why is E-Cycling Important?
“In the US it is estimated that approximately 70 percent of the toxic metals in landfills comes from discarded electronics... Additionally, almost all of the materials in electronics—from plastics and glass to precious metals—can be extracted and reused."

What items can be e-cycled?
Lots! Desktops, laptops, handhelds, monitors, servers, printers, keyboards, mice, modems, network/sound cards, computer parts, memory chips, power supplies, hard drives, cd-rom drives, scrap plastic computer parts, mother boards, tape drives, floppy drives, cabling, TVs, phones, cell phones, fax machines, and VCRs.

Email for more info:

April - Security Patches Galore

The big players...



Real Player:


more coming...

Quote of the Day

When explaining Cook Group Technology's mission to a business acquaintance, the person asked "Say for example you were approached by the Heritage Foundation to run their outside IT consulting services, would you consult for them?"


--Cook Group Technology: "IT Consulting for a Progressive World"

Coming Soon! Cook Group Tech's Re-Designed Website

We at Cook Group Technology are looking forward to the launch of our new website... coming soon.

Currently, visit us at for information about our IT consulting services for non-profit and progressive businesses in the Washington, DC metro region.

-- "IT Consulting for a Progressive World"

Welcome to the Cook Group Technology Blog

Welcome to Cook Group Tech's Blog. Much more to come, much more to say. The Cook Group Tech blog will include important computer security information, best computing practices and of course rants and raves.