Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Ten Reasons to Love the new Outlook.com email

Ten Reasons to Love the New Outlook.com

From post: http://s.netshelter.net/ab9711839a
From: amit agarwal / labnol.org
Is Outlook.com a better alternative to Gmail? Here are 10 features where Outlook definitely has an upper hand over Google’s email program.

I have been using Gmail since 2004 but the new Outlook.com service looks extremely tempting both in terms of features and also the user-interface which I think is far superior to that of Gmail. I am not switching yet but as an experiment, I have connected my primary Gmail account with Outlook today and plan to use Microsoft’s web mail service exclusively for a week or so.

Meanwhile, after spending time with Outlook for about a day now, I found several unique and useful features in Outlook.com that you will surely miss inside Gmail.

Take a look at the Top Ten:  Entire posting at:  http://s.netshelter.net/ab9711839a

Thursday, October 11, 2012

Lost Word or Excel file from Outlook attachment

This is a great great post particularily for the updated method for Office 2010 Outlook.


Lost Word document edited from Outlook attachment?

Have you ever come across a situation where you received a Word/Excel/Powerpoint document or any other editable file for that matter, via email that you manage through Microsoft Outlook. You opend the document, edit the contents, save and close it. Now when you try to find the edited document it is nowhere to be found!!

Well relax! Your document may be safe. Only that Microsoft Outlook saves it at a hidden location on the hard disk.

Here is a possible solution to find such a “missing” document.

Step 1: Locate the folder
The folder location is stored in the registry in the following key.

Outlook 2010HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Office\14.0\Outlook\Security

Outlook 2007HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Office\12.0\Outlook\Security

Step 2: Get to the folder
  1. Open the OutlookSecureTempFolder registry key from the location provided in Step 1.
  2. Copy the path from the key.  Open NOTEPAD and paste the copied location. Delete the actual file name from the pasted text link.
  3. Open Windows File Explorer
  4. Paste the address in the Address Bar and press Enter and lookin the lst for the specific file name you are looking for.
Now look for the missing document. Hopefully the file you are looking for will be located in this folder.